Thinking about going tea total..

It’s true that hangovers get worse as we get older although I always had horrific hangovers even at 18/19 however back then I could drink a lot more.
These days one glass of wine and I’m pretty merry- on the plus side that means I’m a cheap date.


So woe is me this morning, running late for work, dishevelled, hungover, with that awful guilt you feel after a heavy night, what’s that even about? 

So I wondered… even though being drunk is quite fun at times what do I actually get out of it? And perhaps next year it’s time to hang up my drinking shoes and try to he healthy and happy. Alcohol is a depressant after all and is no good for people like me who are prone to depressive episodes.

Most of us still drink regularly even when we know we probably  shouldn’t. Maybe people drink to gain more confidence or to blank out their problems.  But it’s not the answer to life’s issues it’s just a temporary fix.

I’ll get the teabags in..

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